Why Fall is the Perfect Time for Chemical Peels

It’s likely you’ve heard that Fall is the perfect time for chemical peels, but do you know why Fall is the perfect time for chemical peels?

If the answer is “No”, then grab a pumpkin spice latte and settle in, Novato: we here at Moonstone Skin & Body Care are detailing what chemical peels are, what conditions they treat, why Fall is the perfect time for chemical peels, and how to make the most of them this Fall.

What Are Chemical Peels?

Defined as “cosmetic treatments that can be applied to the face, hands, and neck that are used to treat the appearance or feel of the skin”, chemical peels are what they say on the tin: facial treatments that utilize expertly-applied chemical solutions to target specific skin concerns.

Chemical peels come in three variations, which your esthetician will discuss with you depending on your skin history, current skin concerns, and long-term skin goals:

  • Superficial peels, like alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs): these gently exfoliate the outermost layer of the skin without irritation or major peeling. AHAs are water-soluble acids made from sugary fruits. They help peel away the surface of your skin so that new, more evenly pigmented skin cells may generate and take their place. We here at Moonstone Skin & Body Care offer AHAs as part of our chemical peel offerings 

  • Medium peels, like beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs): these reach both the middle and outermost layer of the skin to rejuvenate the skin at a cellular level with medium irritation and peeling. LIke AHAs, BHAs are also designed for daily use, but you may need to apply a few times per week at first until your skin gets accustomed to them. Although BHAs don’t make your skin as sensitive to the sun compared to AHAs, both require thorough post-peel protection in order to both enhance your results and protect new skin cells from environmental damage

  • Deep peels, like phenol acid: these penetrate the deepest levels of the skin to remove damaged skin cells and overhaul previously-damaged skin. Deep peels are typically accompanied by significant peeling and temporary irritation. They are generally only performed under medical supervision so, if a deep peel is what your skin needs, your esthetician will discuss with you whether a deeper peel under medical supervision is beneficial for your individual skin concerns and desired outcomes

Before any level of peel, we here at Moonstone will conduct a consultation to make sure you are educated on, comfortable with, and excited for your upcoming treatment. This consultation will include in-depth pre-peel instructions, like not using any variation of retinol or retin-A for at least 48 hours prior to your treatment, keeping us up-to-date about your current medications, and not having been on Accutane (one of the strongest oral acne medications available) for a minimum of six months prior to this treatment.

What Skin Conditions Chemical Peels Treat

Chemical peels, when performed by an esthetician, effectively treat the following conditions:

  • Melasma

  • Acne and acne scarring

  • Crow’s feet

  • Sun damage

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Texture irregularity

Chemical peels are also easily-tailored to more effectively target your specific skin concerns. Depending on your skin goals, more than one treatment may be recommended.

Why Fall is the Perfect Time for Chemical Peels

Here in beautiful Novato, California, finding a season where the sun doesn’t sun can be a challenge.

However, cloudy autumn is a popular go-to for chemical peels due to their golden rule: stay out of the sun!

Due to chemical peels sloughing dead skin cells, skin is left vulnerable for up to 21 days post-peel. Both heat and sun exposure can cause inflammation to the skin, which means you’ll need to avoid excessive heat and direct sun exposure of any kind, as well as tanning beds and self-tanners. If you need to be outdoors, make sure to use an umbrella or wear a large-brimmed hat, a pair of sunglasses, and use a physical sunblock (containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.)

While no season is 100% risk-free, Fall and winter are two of the best for chemical peels due to your lower risk of hurting your results through accidental heat and/or sun exposure and, in turn, causing more skin damage.

Our recommendation? After your chemical peel, put your feet up, get your pumpkin spice lattes delivered, and get in some much needed R&R!

Moonstone Skin & Body Care’s Chemical Peel Treatments

Here at Moonstone Skin & Body Care, we have five chemical peel treatments to choose from:

  • The 50-minute Moonstone Clinical Peel Treatment, which comes in four different variations: the Calming Peel Series for rosacea; the Lightening Peel Series for pigmentation; the Wrinkle Peel Series for signs of aging; and the Acne Peel Series for acne and acne scars

  • The 60-minute Microdermabrasion With Custom Facial, which orbits around gentle exfoliation: once the new skin cells are exposed via the chemical peel, we then hydrate, correct, and nourish the skin with proper antioxidants and a nourishing masque

  • The 70-minute Microdermabrasion With Double Oxygen Facial, which strives to re-oxygenate the skin: this treatment infuses microdermabrasion and oxygen along with plant-derived stems cells, peptides, and a high concentration of enzymatic botanicals into the skin for immediately luminous and radiant skin results with no downtime

  • The 60-minute Microdermabrasion With Peel, which targets multiple skin concerns at once: this facial enhances the depth of the treatment by removing the superficial layer of the skin and is followed up with a chemical peel will penetrate deeper into the dermis and stimulate the regeneration of the new epidermis

  • The 60-minute Nanofusion With Peel, which acts as the perfect “lunchtime facial” for those on-the-go: our NanoFusion With Peel takes your clinical peel treatment to the next level by using the NanoFusion pen to refine wrinkles and boost collagen with an infusion of peptides and antioxidants — providing instantaneously younger-looking skin

Are You Booking a Chemical Peel This Fall?

Reach out today to schedule your first (or next!) appointment at Moonstone Skin & Body Care.


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